Kuri finding munda for life! British only :)

My Sect
My Profession
Marital Status
Legally separated
South Yorkshire
United Kingdom
Registration Reason
I'm registering to find myself a partner
A Little Bit About Me
I am a simple person who believes i have good strong morals and values, im true to my word.
I am loyal and not one to be nasty unneccessarily, however don't get me wrong. If someone tries to mistreat me or give me slack for no good reason I can be very fiesty, but in a professional and polite manner.
I have a lot of experience i think in life and with people, majority of people are superficial unfortunately and they will go for total looks or wealth. Marriage is not a business deal, marriage is a serious issue where family should be involved there should be REALISTIC wants and requirements. I am no Katrina Kaif and Im not wanting to turn into her either.

Please do not misunderstand me I understand there has to be mutual attraction, thats fair point but these days guys have some mega high expectations sometimes unrealistic and if you one of them then im sorry mate i aint interested in superficialness.

A husband will see me in my good bad and ugly states and inshAllah God willing love that because he will love me as a whole package.. I don't want to be embarassed or hide from my potential husband to be, i want to be myself relaxed like best friends i really wish i could have a best friend kind of husband who would be my support network my person to go for advice my encourager my motivator my rock and my everything inshAllah.

I also think that looks arent everything. I hate when people ask for pics when they don't know naff all about you and reject you totally on basis of looks. I think people need to get to know you briefly and then request pics. Thats just damn right rude and I don't wish to liase with someone all about looks!

Regarding communication I wish to keep communication via this site I am not wanting a "friend" or a "casual relationship" or have my time wasted so please refrain from asking these kinds of questions, i do not care "how your day is going" or want your "snapchat". I am genuinely trying to find a husband/ man who is wanting to settle down with good intentions and who is SERIOUS in getting married NOT just "looking around"

So if you are confused don't know or arent sure about settling down then im sorry im not interested. Just to be clear im using this site with 100% good intentions and to find a husband/soul mate, not boyfriend or time pass. Thanks!

I would say I am average British born and bred Pakistani, I used to be slim but put on a lot of weight recently. I'm NOT obese but working on losing some pounds! I am above average height wise 5'8.
I am well educated and generally savvy with technology and stuff. Oh i would like to mention if youre one of those types who rather than hold a conversation instead whatsapp then i don't want to know. I am trying to implement a phone free zone.

Due to my failed marriage i have learnt a lot about myself and what I would want in a potential spouse.
Im giving this a try in the hope i might find a soul mate who can complete me like it is said that marriage is half our deen, I want to marry someone who understands marriage and what proper Islam is not the crappy paki culture crap.

Islam gives women a lot of rights and importance the man also has rights and both parties should become a team/unit.

Lets put it this way im a jigsaw and im finding my lost piece inshAllah.

Just to clarify I am legally seperated
And have a son who will be 5 years old soon.
I love him to bits and would wish someone who could accept him. My son in mashAllah very well behaved alhamdulillah.
If you can't accept my son i will NOT accept you.

I am sad that my relationship has ended and put my heart and soul into a toxic person unfortunately.
I think i mis-interpreted love. (I could give you a full scale convo regarding the topic of "love" but lets leave that for another day lol)
As my ex never really loved me when i reflect back I realised that I was always the one making the effort and give give give, he never supported me. He decided to end the relationship, another indication of the dude was never really interested.

Im trying my upmost not to slander him but if you wish to know further details i am an open book and feel free to ask.

Please please PLEASE No time wasters, scammers the looking for illicit relationships. I never dated and do not wish to date.

Lets see what happens.....

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What I Am Looking For
I dont mind if single, never married
Or seperated as long as your acceptive of my relationship status and child.

Ideally someone who is mature, decent got good family values and morals.

Understands what marriage in Islam is and is willing to go into 50/50 partnership with (me) for life inshAllah :)
You got the guts to accept the challenge ? Lol

British born and bred only
My Ex used me for a British status don't want another thanks!

Someone who knows how to look after themselves is a responsible person NOT immature or childish and NOT someone who thinks marriage is so the wife will slave all day behind you - thats not how it works (!)

A man who knows how to respect and treat women correctly.

Someone who could be my partner in crime someone i could fall in love with well even better they fall for me ;) lol

Someone caring, loving, a good laugh to be around, i was a bit of a tomboy back in the day so used to be into cars, games and all sorts lol I'm tryna say im into boyish stuff and sometimes that helps you "click" when you have or have had similar traits or hobbies.

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Personal Information
My Citizenship
Country of Origin
Willing to Relocate?
I am Looking to Marry
As soon as possible
My Income
Prefer not to say
Marital Status
Legally separated
Would I like to have Children?
Do I have children?
I have one child
My Living Arrangements?
I Live Alone
United Kingdom
South Yorkshire
My Height
1.73m (5' 8")
My Build
My Hair Colour
Colour of My Eyes
Do I Smoke?
Do I Have Any Disabilities?
Yes - please ask me
My Education Level
Bachelors degree
Subject I Studied
Criminology and Sociology
My First Language
My Second Language
My Profession
My Job Title
Currently not working
My Sect
Are You a Revert?
Do You Keep Halal?
I Always Keep Halal
Do You Perform Salaah?